America is a big weird country full of 330 million weird people. Anything you can imagine is happening somewhere. The question is whether it matters.
It would only be surprising if no writers on Medium or posters on Ex-Twitter had crazy things to say.
From one science-trained person to another, you should keep a better eye out for proof by anecdote, particularly in the logic-free zones of the Internets.
As far as reading material, perhaps you should widen your search. I see a ton of articles by women complaining they want to be in relationships, but men aren’t good partners (and to the point of the article, don’t make an effort to be good in bed).
I agree that marriage creates obligations: it’s a vow to be faithful and foreswear all others, not a vow of abstinence. But it’s up to the man to be someone worth sleeping with. Being a good partner — knowing what she needs before, during, and after to make her happy — is work. But people say that like it’s a bad thing. What better work is there? Remembering encounters, thinking over what worked and what didn’t, trying to find overall patterns and think up new variations… Glorious. I shall count no moment wasted spent in these endeavors.
Guys who neglect any of these areas are justifiably celibate, not involuntarily.