Biden has clearly seen better days, though whatever is eating holes in his brain isn’t as malignant as whatever the Mango Man is suffering from. Four more years of that and we’d have been looking at a Mad King situation, as a party too afraid of its base to remove him tried to keep him from burning the house down. At least Joe seems to be a reasonably decent human.
The Democrats are a constant source of disappointment. There are people in the party with popular, workable proposals but the Ds can’t stop trying to appeal to the non-existent middle. The GOP never fails to disappoint, as the so-called “party of ideas” turns their back on everything they ever claimed to stand for in exchange in the pursuit of victory. So now we have the 30% rightward fringe running a party (and presumably the country in some coming election). In the latest poll, the breakdown on abortion is 61% legal in some or all cases, 20% legal in all cases, and the GOP-approved 8% illegal in all cases. So now the Moral Majority is the Moral Single-Digits. Yay team.