Hold on, faulty assumption warning.
I don't think men had it coming, I think they have had - and continue to have - opportunities to turn things around. I think evolution has made changing with the times more difficult for men, but not impossible.
Rather than recognize change, men are throwing in their lot with the regressives, clinging to a past that isn't coming back.
That's not necessarily stupidity - some is stubbornness, some is "macho" identity, some is conservatives trying to split the country by selling young men a bill of goods.
I think that's stupid, but I predate social media, it doesn't have the same vise-like grip as it has on young people. A lot of smart and somewhat evil people have spent a lot of time and money turning social media into a soul-swallowing machine for trapping people into believing it has anything to do with reality.
Speaking of which, you keep referring to the "6-6-6" idea, which basic observation would suggest is an internet creation. Turn off that computer!