How is it we can't talk to each other? Some people are happily single. Cool. You do you.
Some people (such as myself) would wither without that one person to come home to. AND THAT'S FINE TOO.
There are comments below that being alone doesn't necessarily mean being incomplete - then some of them turn around and berate people who want a partner as weak. Others criticize overgeneralization with overgeneralizations.
Nobody knows how anybody else feels. None of us is an expert even in ourselves, much less others.
We're all beautiful, awful, flawed, loving, crazy, stupid, wonderful headcases. We don't know the truth. You can be the loudest defender of singledom, then meet someone who makes your toes curl and realize you were wrong. Or the thought of living alone sounds like hell but turns out to be good.
Sometimes there's a truth, and we can stand up to defend it. But there's no universal truth here. No one way. No opinion that isn't tainted by our own biases. A woman isn't necessarily incomplete without a man, but she isn't necessarily complete without one. And the same is true for us XY types.
I take it back. Maybe there is one universal truth: that there isn't one, and we're all different. Let's stop trying to score pro/anti-feminist points or force each other into boxes.
[stops to allow the abuse to rain down]