I disagree, it seems hateful to me. But that's OK, everybody has an opinion. However, I would say a lot of what you're saying suffers from not actually being true...
I think it would be terrible for someone to trash any religion indiscriminately. I do wish the same courtesy were extended to me, however. Do you actually listen to the way your guys talk about us?
I have many Christians in my life who are lovely people. This is something you may not understand. A religious person can (and many seem to) isolate themselves away behind the walls of their church. Being non-Christian is somewhat like being Black: a white person can go their whole lives without having to deal much with Black people, but the opposite is not true. I am bombarded by religion constantly, every day of my life. The MyPillow guy was on a TV commercial the other day, stores and bumpers with Christian fish, the Biden inauguration... I can't even watch a damn sporting event without it.
You may not like the way your faith is portrayed in the wider culture, but fundamentally the country is run by Christians. For instance, I don't think there are any atheists in Congress (BTW I'm not one, just an example). It's interesting that you classify as a threat to your faith other people of your faith(!) just because they don't 100% agree with you. That's not really oppression, right? Nobody's telling you to disappear, people just want you to stop being annoying and, yes, hateful.
Focus for a second and repeat after me: Christians. really. do. want. non-Christians. to. disappear.
In response, we just want to be left alone. That's not so oppressive, right? Stop trying to run my life, and I’m more than happy to let you be you.
You want to know how to stop being derided? Stop treating people you disagree with like shit all the effing time. That would go a long way.
But you're right, I am very tired of all and everybody on my side of the political aisle being vilified merely for existing...wait, you meant your side? My side consists almost entirely of Christians, just not ones to your liking. For you guys to be vilified, it's for acting like jerks - you have to earn it. Big difference.
"It isn't hate to target someone with whom we disagree and dox them, cancel them, or cause them to lose their livelihoods…as long as what they said was inconsistent with the popular narrative."
A) How many people are actually canceled from your side of the spectrum? Damn few. Find some examples. On the other hand, you guys are constantly going after me and mine. Conservatives banning books is far more common than the opposite. It was legal to fire LGBT people from their jobs just for being who they are until 2020. And you can bet that as a non-Christian teaching in a small town, I kept my head down every damn day to keep the religious crazies off my back. It's a constant threat.
"It isn't hate to turn an intentionally myopic and blind eye to rampant verbal abuse of one group while flagellating any perceived infraction by another."
I agree, people shouldn't do that. I await the apology I'm owed for being called evil and wrong every day of my life. Can you talk to someone about that?
"But if you reiterate a scientific fact regarding the chromosomes of the human body…..Hate."
Sorry, there ain't no such thing as simple facts about the chromosomes of the human body. Do you have any idea how crazy it is in there? I remember finding out about people who look like women but are actually biologically male. Pretty girls with XY chromosomes and raging testosterone...but no hormone receptors. Weird.
On the other hand, if you want to talk about hate and think you have it worse than LGBT people, you are either completely insane or incomprehensibly ignorant. When I was born, just being LGBT was literally illegal in 48 states. Pastors stand on stages claiming they all deserve the death penalty, while GOP presidential candidates stand by and watch.
What you ought to do is open up your mind and expand your circle of acquaintances. You're so upset about how you're treated, but it is so much cushier to be you than to be the rest of us. I just want to be left alone. You aren’t happy unless you get your own way about everything.