I just went through the NYT top 15 bestsellers from last year. For hardcover fiction it's ~50/50 men and women. For paperback, it's 14 women and one man.
Even science fiction and fantasy are at least split, which wouldn't have been the case in the past.
The Medium humor pubs I write for are dominated by women, probably two-to-one. The political ones are split.
I agree that women face obstacles in all aspects of life. On the other hand, I was told at a writers' conference that as a man I would probably be limited to certain niches, and that agents weren't interested in adding male writers but were actively seeking women. Don't know how universal that is.
White dudes run the world and I'm not being oppressed, but I'd need more research to know if the situation is quite as dire as you make it out to be.
(1) I'm sure it depends on genre/niche.
(2) It looks like the less prestigious and lower earning markets are pink collar ghettos. The societal trend that whenever women begin to make gains in a field it drops in priority and pay is disturbing. Kind of a gender version of "White flight" I guess.
(3) As in all aspects of life, obviously women are going to struggle with male executives (and the power structure generally) not treating them with respect. My analogy is like professional basketball - even in a situation where most of the best players are Black, once they leave the arena they're, well, still Black.