I recently wrote a comment on the idea that for almost every man, there's a woman out there somewhere who could love him. One response I got was "yeah, an obese 3/10."
It's a very telling remark. Hey, Laughing Boy, maybe you're a 3/10, too.
If some women are below a minimum attractiveness level, what about the men who are as well? The idea appears to be that every man, regardless of his desirability, is entitled to an above-average woman. And there's that sneaky word "entitled" again.
Does that comport with your experience? You would know better than I.
It reminds me of high school, actually. But It's like these guys never got out of the "crush on the cheerleader" phase. It's time to grow up, boys. The mousy girl who sat unnoticed in the back of the classroom might turn out to be beautiful in all the ways you need to have a happy life together. Also on the plus side, she's never gotten much male attention so she's more likely to appreciate being hit on. Give her a chance.