I think "straight white men" tend to only listen to others of their ilk. If a Black person writes about race, white people see it as angry or self-serving in some way. Ditto for an LGBTQ+ person on those issues.
So men don't trust women because they're "too emotional" or "too strident" or "emasculating."
And of course, women in whom the patriarchy is ingrained will subconsciously take men more seriously as well. That's been a big issue in my lifetime: presidents, generals, newscasters and other authority figures have all been men in part because when the $#!+ hit the fan, most people of all genders openly or secretly wanted to see a Y chromosome in the big chair.
To your point, I think among men that attitude is still there. These characters may think I'm a pussy-whipped beta soy boi cuck — and some of them aren't afraid to say so — but I AM a man. At some unconscious level I do have that Y chromosome lending authority.
Which is, of course, dumb as hell.
Hey, if some XX knows more than me about something, get the best information by asking them.
But then, part of being a "beta male" is that being in charge doesn't have intrinsic value for me. I'm willing to lead, but only if necessary and only in my areas of expertise. Otherwise, please find someone else who knows what they're talking about!
Hopefully the kids can do better, and mercifully, that fever seems to be breaking — among women at least, being willing to trust other women.