If someone shows up yapping with nothing to say, dismissal is appropriate.
But I still don't know what wokeness means. If everyone who uses a word uses it differently - which seems to be the case - what am I supposed to do?
You mentioned "beautiful," a word which is clearly subjective - it means "I find this attractive." Cool, I can live with that.
But if a political party runs on a platform of beauty - what would a program of "I will ban ugliness in the schools!" look like? - then a vague, personal definition isn't going to cut it.
I need a definition that will allow me to make heads or tails of all these different voices throwing the word around.
It also seems a little weird to focus on progressives only, particularly in an era when the right is clearly more ridiculous. Don't base it on social media where everyone is a dope. In the real world,, Democrats who actually hold power are chronic middle of-the-roaders, prominent Republicans are a freakshow.
And mostly these things never truly come to pass. I searched "schools removing lincoln from the name." Every hit was from a single school board vote in San Francisco in 2021 that was quickly suspended and shortly thereafter rescinded. As far as I can tell, not a single school was renamed.