I'm a scientist by training and inclination. As far as I can tell, the nature of faith is such that science doesn't apply and religion can never be proved or disproved.
So having been left adrift by logic, there's nothing left but faith, and I haven't met one I can get behind. Still, I'm not arrogant enough to claim there's no spiritual world. Scientifically, that doesn't even make sense. The thing we know - the only thing - is we don't know everything. Periodically the knowledge applecart is overturned and we have to figure out something new.
Science makes more sense, and to its credit isn't afraid to ask the hard questions. Which makes sense - seeking the truth is a courageous act because you may not like what you find. Perhaps it's why so many religions are anti-science: they aren't secure in their beliefs and don't want to hear anything that might rub them the wrong way.
I always wish they could be a little more open-minded. Look at modern cosmology: what could be any more God-like than the Big Bang? He said "let there be light" and all that.
Have some faith in your faith, people!
If there is an omnipotent Creator, He doesn't need you to watch his back. But for a holy book literalist, one disproved verse and the whole thing falls in a heap. I get they're scared - but if you're that worried you might be wrong, stop strutting around proclaiming you're right. Humility is not a sin. Stop playing both sides - be sure, or don't be.
Which leads to...the one thing I definitely am is anti-any religion that gets up in my business. Live and let live. If somebody thinks I'm going to Hell, that's fine, but I don't want to hear about it. Enjoy heaven, let me deal with my mistakes.
I don't need to hear the Good News. There's no way to exist in this society without being battered by an oppressive barrage of religion. I don't need to hear about anybody's savior because I've already heard it and was not impressed.
On the one hand, the Jesus painted by my liberal friends seems like a pretty good dude. I could maybe roll with that guy. His picture on the right, however, is somebody I'd be ashamed to be associated with. As the saying goes, "If all I knew of the Lord were those who claim to love Him most, then I should not care to make his acquaintance."
So, to make a short story long:
• I have faith in science to the point it's at least striving for the answers, whether or not it can ever find them.
• In the meantime, I assume the existence of some sort of deity is certainly possible. As long as so many of the big questions are still outstanding, I'm not comfortable casting anything intp the dustbin casually.
• God may be good, but most religions suck.
• If somebody ever does proves there is a God, then sign me up.
Does that makes sense? I can go on a bit, I'm an overthinker, not a black-and-white thinker.