Instead, a small state dictates terms to another with 100 times the population. There's no way anyone from the founding to the mid-20th century had the slightest notion that might happen.
Other problems are various:
1) If the situation were reversed, the Republicans would have already changed the rules.
2) It wouldn't be nearly so bad if the right were honest about states' rights. Instead, they leverage power from small rural states to interfere in California's internal affairs.
3) The Republican Party has a very narrow demographic and holds power by leveraging social issues. If abortion vanished tomorrow, people who want more than two parties would get their wish: the right-of-center Dems would join the GOP, and the far right would have to be a third party.
4) Democrats represent the entire country: urban, suburban, and rural. The GOP - who are 75% white Christians and rural-centric - would just as soon leave the rest to rot.
5) In the battle of “makers and takers,” blue counties are the former and red ones are the latter. I remember Hillary won 500 counties and Trump won 2500 - but those 500 generate two-thirds of the GDP. Ironically enough, under conservative policies, rural America wouldn't be a developed nation. The only reason they have roads, electricity, mail service, healthcare, and the rest of modern life is because the damn liberals refuse to abandon them - and in return, they vote for the conservatives who don't give a damn about them. But unlike the right, the left refuses to give up on the other half of the country. All those lower- to mid-income people are trading abortion bans and anti-LGBT laws for a lower standard of living.
6) California is an especially poor example because there's not much these small states do better. Sure, CA is a national leader in technology, higher education, entertainment, etc. But they also lead in agriculture. They're a better cross-section of America than just about anywhere, but a handful of small states - who are dependent on them - gang up to dictate how they can organize their state.