My point is that his reasoning is awful no matter why the search took place.
He isn’t arguing against the search on the merits, he’s saying we should place a wanna-be autocrat above the law because his followers are angry, armed, and paranoid. That’s a terrible precedent.
Comparing potential state secrets to furniture is stupid, he just can’t abide the Clintons and knows his readers will eat it up.
A guy who has spent his whole career tearing down faith in institutions doesn’t get to complain about someone else doing it.
In general I doubt it’s about nothing, because (1) getting a warrant takes work, (2) Garland has been very cautious, and (3) Trump is as corrupt as the day is long. If he broke laws or even sold us out the Russians I’d be in no way surprised. Surprised if he didn’t, really. Almost disappointed. The guy has been a proud greedy sociopathic asshole his whole life, why change now? Stay true to yourself, brother!