People are going to react in horror to that, but it's not wrong.
I hear a lot of men shocked and complaining that "not being good enough" to deserve a woman in their lives is a sudden thing - but I don't think they realize it's always been true. They don't see the patriarchy covering it by forcing women into relationships, so they were a resource men could assume they would share in.
We need to come up with a new kind of mansplaining, defined as explaining shit to men that ought to be obvious but they're culturally blind to.
I am trying, since I think it's up to men to fix this ourselves. Like racism and homophobia, straight white men are the problem so it's up to us to sort ourselves out. People keep telling me that oppressed people complaining about it are the ones causing the problem. WTF?
Maybe it's weird for me - both my parents had three college degrees and were university professors. Dad was the public face of the family because he was the loud one and mom was the quiet one, but she was in no sense subservient. Now I am for my family for the same reason, but my wife ain't puttin' up with any male dominance shit, and I don't want her to.
I also don't know why her earning more money and me doing most of the housework isn't a threat to my "masculinity." I'm not even sure what that means.
Let's just say I do not understand my fellow men much at all.
P.S. However, I should probably sit her down and make sure things are going as well as I think. Unjustified self-congratulation is an ugly thing...
P.P.S. Now come the charges of "virtue signaling." Sorry, guys, just trying to tell it like it is.