John Werth
3 min read1 day ago


I can’t get my head around both men and women claiming they’re overlooked — because the less attractive women aren’t being barraged with offers, either. Men invented hypergamy, claiming that the problem with relationships is women focusing on superficial qualities is embarrassing.

A man’s deepest need is attention. No one likes to be invisible. For women, it comes effortlessly. A few moments on social media, and they’re noticed.

Check out my story The Red Pill Guys Are Right About Women — If You Mistake Cyberspace for Reality. I think in real life with real people, women don’t find visibility as easy as all that. Posting a picture on social media will get likes, but that’s fantasy land that doesn’t translate to the real world.

But for men, unless they’re exceptionally attractive or wealthy, they’re overlooked.

Go to weddings and notice that most are between people of average or below attractiveness. If men aim high — as we have always done, we invented hypergamy after all — and strike out, then lower the sights.

So many guys out there seem to think they’re owed a pretty girl. Sorry, not enough to go around. If they aren’t attractive, attractive women won’t be interested. Keep lowering the sights until they find their level.

First, they seek attention through hard work, success, and recognition. But that path is difficult and takes time.

Yup. It does.

On the other hand, being a good person who respects women and wants a true partner is free, easy, and really boosts the attractiveness factor. Ditto for doing their share of the housework, childcare, and the emotional heavy lifting that goes into a relationship.

I don’t get the impression these guys have tried those.

Unable to earn appreciation, some, unfortunately, turn to seeking attention through conflict, violence, hate.

Let me put this in big letters:

Anyone who seeks attention through conflict, violence, or hate is a piece of shit. Women who turn those guys down aren’t picky, they’re rejecting monsters unworthy of a partner. Good on them.

Sorry, no excuses allowed. Be a civilized person, or stop wasting air more worthy people could be using.

There. is. no. excuse. for. violence. and. hate.



Such persons should be airlifted to a small island and left there.

I don’t know if you are seriously offering this as an excuse, but if so I have very uncomfortable questions about your character.

Instead of mocking them, perhaps it’s worth considering how technology, women’s unrealistic demands, has quietly contributed to the rise of unappreciated men.

I don’t want to mock anyone. My consistent message is that men must acknowledge that they’ve had the upper hand and that equality isn’t oppression. They need to buckle down and do better, realizing that women may treat us the way we’ve always treated them. It sucks, but what comes around goes around.

Also, my point about men making themselves systematically less attractive stands. Young women tend to be liberal and educated, men who choose to be conservative and uneducated aren’t involuntarily celibate, they’ve chosen it. Men and women tend to have different interests, men who want partners must adapt and find a way to appreciate those interests.

Women have every right to live as they choose.

Uh oh, this feels like tricky territory ahead.

But out of compassion…

Men have never been compassionate to women. It’s been constant criticism and ridicule.

…they should also recognize what they’re missing out. Monetary success is a small piece. In fact, the relentless run towards success, is just a cover-up for the lack of love. Who wants a world filled with silent regrets and long faces?

Yup, you’re telling them how to feel again. Nobody likes that.

Oh, and there is still no excuse for violence or hate.



Anyone reacting this way has disqualified themselves for membership in a civilization worthy of that name.

The idea of a woman marrying such a person is horrifying.



John Werth
John Werth

Written by John Werth

Musician and conductor, repairer of woodwinds, owner of dogs, band director, lapsed mathematician, and scribbler of thoughts on humor, politics or both at once.

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