The worst part of American politics is black-and-white thinking. I've been called a Communist and anti-capitalist for suggesting that free-market capitalism does not and never has worked and must be tempered with socialism.
Free markets and Communism are both interesting constructs for discussion but entirely dysfunctional for actually running a country.
Capitalism is like fire: left to its own devices, it will burn the world down. So, figure out how to tamp down its excesses and take full advantage of its strengths. But we'll never solve the world's most pressing problems looking at them as a free marketeer would.
One of capitalism's most significant weaknesses (and the downfall of Libertarianism) is that it is terrible at addressing "the commons." The idea of an individual is diminished in a world where we all breathe each others' air. Hence my philosophy of Holistic Libertarianism ("Freedom for Grownups," see below).
Another is addressing problems with long timelines and uncertain success. It's why most basic science is done by socialist institutions like universities, NASA, and the military. Then capitalism seizes on that and monetizes it.
A better way of stating it might be that capitalism will only be helpful once there's an obvious path toward making climate change improvements more profitable than making it worse. Until then, it'll get in the way.