"We are in the midst of the change from the old chivalry mindset and the new one that is supposed to create Equality."
Absolutely, and to be fair there are some aspects of being female that women will miss in the new era. Chivalry hath its privileges.
"Transitions are hard, human beings fight change."
"Yes women do appear more adaptive than men."
In a way, it's not entirely men's fault. Male apes are wired to beat each other up, breed, and die. Females have to adapt because they have to keep babies alive. Males who can't adapt die out, because there are more males than necessary. Some of human society is at odds with our not-yet-caught-up-to-evolution selves.
"I do think all of us need to better ourselves, if for nothing else than for ourselves."
Again, no argument. Whether you believe in a deity or just human decency, we all fall short.
"Are women happy? As this continues and the divide widens will they be more or less happy?"
This is the one issue I have with you. If women are trying to continue our societal evolution toward equality and men are not only refusing but trying to reverse course, the onus is entirely on men. You're posing the argument of the WaPo article, but my objection is the same — it's not fair or reasonable to ask women to compromise when they already have been and are finally starting to catch up. It's one of the things I hate about conservatives generally, this whole walking-on-eggshells vibe because we don't want to make them mad, such as the government weakening COVID guidelines in a way that caters to the right rather than the science.