You have what data? What statistics that Christian nationalists are everywhere.
Did you bother to follow the links?
Do you see ghosts too?
Well, crappy condescension received. Thanks.
I and Josh believe that the nation is a better nation when people believe in God.
I don’t thing the government or any one religion should be deciding that we’re all better off religious.
It doesn’t mean I want the US to be a Christian nation.
Distinction without a difference. Would you accept Islam or Hinduism? I might be OK with those.
You just said you wished there were no Christians.
No, I absolutely did not. I just think everyone should get to decide for themselves.
Do you then want an Atheist nation?
No, because I don’t want anyone to decided people can’t have religion, either.
(who you might not know was a Founding Father involved in putting the US Constitution and DofI together)
Jesus, you’re obnoxious. That level of condescension ought to be unbecoming to any person of faith. If your God condones that kind of thinkg, I’m not a fan.
“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.”
Of course he did. Lots of people said lots of things. If it was that important they might have actually put it in the document and they chose not to.
They were responsible for over 100M murders in the twentieth century alone. In your world, that might be superior.
I take it back, you aren’t obnoxious, you’re a horrible person to even say that. I don’t think a person of your clearly inferior morals should have a vote on the subject. And I don’t think whatever God you claim to follow could claim to make a country better. Atheism might be a better choice.
You still haven’t explained why your belief wouldn’t lead to a Christian nation. Apparently you believe that the Constitution only applies to “moral and religious people”. So the Constitution doesn’t apply to anyone who doesn’t pass some sort of moral and religious test? What tests will those be? Do I have to show a religion card before I can vote? If a Muslim does something according to their religion and Christians don’t agree, what’s the deciding factor? There are so many questions.